Our devices contain a wealth of personal information about us. This may include banking and other financial records, and medical information—information that we want to protect. If your devices are not protected, identity thieves and other fraudsters may be able to get access and steal your personal information. Malicious viruses or spyware could be deposited on your computer, slowing it down or destroying files.

Antivirus software defends against known threats through what are called signatures or against suspicious behaviour. It repels malicious attacks which may result in slow computer performance, lost data, system downtime or other negative outcomes. Given the sophistication of malware and its exponential increase, you can’t afford to have just any antivirus in your company you need the best business antivirus.

Insight IT understands the risks that viruses pose to businesses which is why we recently partnered with Malwarebytes to provide our clients with a modern and managed antivirus solution to protect them against malware and other cybersecurity threats.

In this support article, we will tackle the advantages of Malwarebytes software for businesses.

Endpoint Protection For An Evolving World

Traditional antivirus relies on outdated signature-based technology that addresses threats at the execution stage of the attack chain. It’s reactive, one-dimensional, and apparently isn’t effective. Malwarebytes employs several proprietary technologies that work together to break the attack chain, from pre-delivery to post-execution.

Malwarebytes’ platform applies the following real-time protection layers:
  • Web Protection – Prevents access to malicious websites, ad networks, scammer networks, and bad neighbourhoods.
  • Application Hardening – Reduces vulnerability exploit surface and proactively detects fingerprinting attempts used by advanced attacks.
  • Exploit Mitigation – Proactively detects and blocks attempts to abuse vulnerabilities and remotely execute code on the endpoint.
  • Application Behavior Protection – Prevents applications from being leveraged to infect the endpoint.
  • Anomaly Detection – Proactively identifies viruses and malware through machine learning techniques.
  • Payload Analysis – Identifies entire families of known malware with heuristic and behavioural rules.
  • Behavior Monitoring – Detects and blocks ransomware via behavioural monitoring technology.

What is Malwarebytes’ Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR)?

Endpoint detection and response (EDR) is a form of endpoint protection that uses data collected from endpoint devices to understand how cyberthreats behave and the ways that organizations respond to cyberthreats. While some forms of endpoint protection are focused purely on blocking threats, endpoint detection and response attempts a more holistic approach. Through continuous endpoint monitoring and rigorous data analysis businesses can gain a better understanding of how one threat or another infects an endpoint and the mechanisms by which it spreads across a network. Instead of remediating threats offhand, organizations can use the insights gained via EDR tools to harden security against future attacks and reduce dwell time for a potential infection.

Think of EDR as a flight data recorder for your endpoints. During a flight, the so-called “black box” records dozens of data points; e.g., altitude, air speed, and fuel consumption. In the aftermath of a plane crash, investigators use the data from the black box to determine what factors may have contributed to the plane crash. In turn, these contributing factors are used to prevent similar crashes in the future. Likewise, endpoint telemetry taken during and after a cyberattack (e.g., processes running, programs installed, and network connections) can be used to prevent similar attacks.

Why EDR is Essential for businesses?

According to Malwarebytes Lab’s 2021 State of Malware Report, malware detections on Windows business computers decreased by 24% overall. Cybercriminals are moving away from piecemeal attacks on consumers, instead of focusing their efforts on not just businesses, but educational institutions and government entities as well.

The biggest threat at the moment is ransomware. Organizations of all sizes are being targeted by cybercriminal gangs, lone wolf threat actors, hacktivists, and state-sponsored hackers looking for big scores from companies with caches of valuable data on their networks.


Malwarebytes EDR is east, effective, and efficient. It uses unique Anomaly Detection machine learning to not only detect known threats, but also find unknown “zero-day” threats. It can easily replace or augment other endpoint security solutions, including Microsoft Defender. Lastly, it offers enterprise-class endpoint protection, advanced threat hunting, and reliable isolation, remediation, and response to cybersecurity attacks.