Modern Workplace

Modern WorkplaceSecurity

Chain nad padlock on the notebook keyboard.

Account Security: Better and Stronger with 2FA

February 5, 2021

In recent years, there has been a sharp increase in security breaches and major financial losses resulting from stolen passwords. Relying on a password alone is no longer enough to...

Modern WorkplaceSecurity

Man nad Women make high five in the office.

Why having an MSP in 2021 is essential for your business?

January 29, 2021

In 2020, organisations had to restructure their business day-to-day operations to support remote work, virtualize all communications, and improve their cybersecurity from emerging threats. Part of this worldwide digital transformation...

HardwareModern Workplace

Sand clock standing on the laptop.

Simple Ways to Speed Up Your Computer

November 30, 2020

We are all familiar with that annoying moment when we start up a program and wait forever for it to open. Trying to work with a slow computer can be...

Modern WorkplaceSecurity

Man working on laptop and sharing files.

Essential Tips for Safe File Sharing

November 30, 2020

Your business probably deals with all kinds of sensitive information multiple times a day. Which means safe file sharing is critical. Here are 6 easy tips for achieving both safe...

HardwareModern Workplace

Close look of finger how to turn off the laptop.

Is It Better To Shut Down Your Computer Or Leave It On?

November 30, 2020

Have you ever wondered why IT support often asks you to restart your computer? No, it’s not because they want more time to finish their donut. It’s because shutting down...

Modern Workplace

Frog perspective of woman in downtown.

How COVID-19 Is Changing the Future of the Workplace

October 30, 2020

The pandemic has changed the life and work of millions of workers around the world overnight. Setting off the world’s largest work experiment, many companies acted swiftly on safeguarding their...