More than 60% of the world’s population is online. If you run a business, you know how important it is to have an online presence. When it comes to your digital reputation, you hope that when someone searches for your business that they find it and that what they find is good. This seemingly simple goal is much more complicated than you may think.

Even the best business run by the savviest business person can get lost in the online shuffle. Unless you have a solid digital reputation management strategy, you could be passed over by the public. Our team at InnoVision are experts in digital reputation management, so we’ve got five tips to make sure that your online reputation is as beneficial to your business as it can be:

Be Proactive

Before you begin building your online reputation strategy, search online for your business’s name and the names of your owner or founders. Look carefully through the first five pages of results. That way, you’ll know what you’re up against.

Running a website for your business is a no-brainer. Unfortunately, a lot of businesses stop there. No matter how well-run your website is, locating everything about your business in one place can disproportionately weigh any negative reviews you might have. In an online search for your business or product, you want the search engine to have more than one place to pull from.

Another possible outcome from an online search could be that you’re unable to find much at all. If that’s the case, you know right where to start. The inability to find information about a business online can be a red flag for potential customers. You’ll need to start with search engine optimisation (SEO) and an update to your Google Business page. No matter what you find (or don’t find), knowing is half the battle. You can begin building or rebuilding your reputation with clear-eyed goals in mind.


Don’t rely on a single webpage. Two bad reviews on your business’ homepage will hop right to the top of search engine results, if that’s the only place your business lives. Each profile and domain name that you own helps to mitigate against negative search results. You’ll want to sign up with Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Not only will this help people find you but you’ll be able to get first dibs on your business’ name and make sure that each handle is uniform across each site. Even if you’re just starting out and you’re not ready to start posting – claim this space for your business and register early.

Now that you’ve got official information on the big three social media websites, branch out. Get on LinkedIn, Yelp, the Better Business Bureau, claim your Google Business page, etc. Remember, you’re broadening your online footprint and claiming the digital space. The more places around the web where customers or clients can leave feedback, the less likely it is that a couple of bad reviews will appear at the top of your search returns.

Don’t Underestimate Social Media

In some ways, social media can be a gamble for a business. It’s extremely important for growing your brand and safeguarding your reputation, but there are opportunities for things to go awry. The only thing worse than no social media is bad social media, and a bad social media post can spread like a virus.

There are some simple things you can do to make sure that your social media works for you. Keep it updated and professional. Consider hiring an expert in social media. An ad team can help you create digital content that will keep your audience engaged and your reputation glowing.

Put Your Brand Out There

An expert in digital reputation management can help you build great representation and exposure. How do they do this? Through public relations and digital content. A good ad team will have pre-existing contacts with the media and journalists. By reaching out to those contacts with a story idea or an angle that might include your brand, they can help boost your online profile.

When articles or videos mention your brand online, not only does that help increase the number of visits to your website, it also helps you build a rock-solid digital reputation. They can also help you build SEO-optimised press releases about new products, developments, or initiatives. You can put these on your website and send them to other digital content providers in your field. Remember, expanding your digital footprint and creating positive content is the best way to build your online reputation.

Pay Attention to Online Reviews

It doesn’t matter what area of industry your business is in, reviews are a part of online life. Between 80% and 90% of people read online reviews before they decide to contact a business. You can make sure you’re hearing from happy customers by asking repeat customers if they’d be willing to review your product online. Offer several options for customer feedback like Yelp, Google Business or your own site. The more frequently your reviews are updated, the better search engine returns your business name will generate.

It’s also important not to ignore bad reviews. If you’re able, contact dissatisfied customers and try to rectify the bad experience they had. If you can offer a solution that makes the customer feel heard and happy, they will very often remove or update their bad reviews.

There are a lot of elements to creating and maintaining a stellar digital reputation. You might want to consider investing in online reputation management. There are people with the knowledge and the expertise to guide your business through whatever comes your way. When you have a team behind you helping with digital media creation, social media moderation, public relations, and overall digital management – you’re investing in security and growth for your brand and your reputation.