Technology has made things better in many ways over the years – it exists to make things easier and faster for us. Be it communicating with each other or automating complex tasks at work. However, our dependence on technology also resulted in bad tech habits that could place us in danger of falling victim to cybercriminals.

Reusing the same password

Although using the same password for multiple accounts saves us from remembering lots of passwords, it’s actually one of the worst things you can do for your security online. Using the same password increases chances of being hacked in multiple accounts, worse, may lead to loss of financial and sensitive data.

Did you know?

72% of users recycle passwords. 63% of these used the same passwords on both essential and entertainment sites.

  • Compromised passwords are the reason behind 81% of hacking-related breaches.

How to stop it:

  • Stop using passwords such as admin123! Have a separate, strong password for each account. Use uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and special characters (!,@,#,$, etc).
  • Apply two-factor authentication (2FA) which applies one more layer of user authentication on top of a password.

Ignoring software updates

Outdated software is vulnerable to malware. Cybercriminals are always looking for ways to exploit software security vulnerabilities. By updating your software, you can make sure that your systems and the information they contain are as protected as possible from cyberattacks.

Did you know?

  • Updates not only patch security holes, but they can also add new features and improve existing ones.
  • The vast majority of cyberattacks take advantage of known software and hardware vulnerabilities. 70% of successful cyber attacks exploited known vulnerabilities with available patches.

How to stop it:

  • Turn on or confirm auto-updates, especially for operating systems.
  • Don’t use untrusted USBs as they are highly insecure and dangerous. Hackers can store malware into the firmware of the device itself and will easily transfer onto your computer the moment you plug it in.

(Related Article: Essential Tips for Safe File Sharing)

Not backing up your data

Malware, power surges, hardware failure and natural disasters can leave you without your precious files. Protect your business data by copying data from servers, databases, desktops, laptops, and other devices in case of user error, corrupt files, or a physical disaster that renders critical data inaccessible.

Did you know?

  • Only 21% of small to medium-sized businesses (SMBs) do not have data protection solutions in place
  • 50% of SMBs only start backing up after a catastrophic loss

How to stop it:

  • Store everything in one place with cloud services such as Insight Cloud Desktop
  • Create physical backups. Copy all your data on to a hard disk

Risking your password security

Though you may find it convenient, enabling the ‘auto-fill’ feature makes it easier for an attacker to discover your passwords if your system gets compromised. Cybercriminals can hijack your browsing session and steal your information if you stay logged-in to a site.

Did you know?

  • Sites without the lock symbol are really suspicious and can be used to get information from your computer without your authorization using a MIM (man-in-the-middle) attack.
  • You can help others by talking and sharing information about scams when connecting with your friends, family and colleagues. Visit for news and alerts about scams.

How to stop it:

  • Disable Autofill from your browser. In Chrome, go to Options (three dots on the top right corner) > Settings > Auto-fill. Expand the area for which you wish to disable Autofill then toggle the setting OFF if it is on.
  • Use stand-alone Password Managers to store your login information for all the websites you use and help you log into them automatically.
  • Use two-factor authentication. 2FA requires two steps and two devices when you log in: your username and password and either a secure code that’s texted to your phone or a fingerprint.

Too much screen time

Whether it be for work or leisure, humans spend many hours of their day looking at screens. However, spending too much time using your laptop or phone has been linked to sleep deprivation and loss of social skills.

Did you know?

  • On average, adults spend about 11 hours a day staring at a screen – whether that be a computer, phone, tablet, TV or another type of electronic device.
  • Too much screen time is also linked to increased risk of heart disease and obesity. Typically, when employees are staring at computer screens, they’re also sitting down and not being very physically active.

How to stop it:

  • If you must use your devices at night, at least use a blue light filter (also known as Night light) to help preserve your sleep cycles.
  • Take a 20-second break from computer screens for every 20 minutes you use them. Set timers or electronic placeholders on their devices for periods of work and study requiring extended screen time.

These bad habits could be taking over your life – destroying your productivity, making you unhealthy and putting your data at risk! And while technology did make things easier in our workplace, there are still too many people who forget to take their online security seriously. Keep yourself and your business safe from cybersecurity risks today by giving the expert team at Insight a call on 1300 911 000.

What other tech habits should we all consider breaking? Follow us on Facebook and LinkedIn to share your thoughts!